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February Update

Date Posted: 3/1/21, 8:04 PM

All of the sudden, here we are-- 2 months gone in this new year already. February always seems to be such a fast month. One second we’re in the Christmas season, wake up one day and Easter decorations are all out on display. February can be a crazy month here at IEG. All sorts of different jobs starting, our project managers quoting jobs, etc. 2021 is well on it’s way and as we head into March, we reflect on February and what it brought to IEG. We awarded the First Employee of the Quarter of 2021 and we had to send a number of employees out of state for a new project!

Employee Of The Quarter

The first award of the 2021 year was given to Wade Mitchell as IEG’s employee of the Quarter. Wade was selected by the management team of IEG to receive this award in recognition of his hard work and dedication. He has shown great progress in a leading role with helping to lead jobs. Wade is always willing to put in the amount of hours to get a project done and always receives great customer reports about the work he does. Wade has been an employee of IEG for a little over 1 year now and has shown IEG time after time what innovation and excellence means to him which reflects IEG’s mission statement and the reputation that we desire to display.

Traveling Jobs


Part of the industrial/ manufacturing industry requires projects/work outside of our normal service areas. Normally, IEG services local areas to Charlotte, Greenville, Denver, and Charleston. From time to time, we receive a request for help with projects outside of those ranges. This month, we had the opportunity to provide IEG’s services in Pennsylvania and Maryland. We sent multiple employees to both sites. Traveling for an electrician can be a very important piece as each electrician yearns to grow in their careers with IEG. They get to experience a new area for a short time, spend some quality time with their fellow co-workers living out of a hotel, etc. IEG employees usually spend about 75% of the time local to their branch they are based out of, but each employee accepts the opportunity to travel 25% of the time to help service other areas of the country. 


As you can see, this month has been busy, and we anticipate getting busier as the year goes on. Being an employee at IEG, means employees are given many opportunities to grow in their experience and build comradery with those they work with everyday. Servicing other areas around the country, allows IEG to live out our Vision statement which is “to be the national standard in the industrial electrical services”



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