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November Update

Date Posted: 12/2/19, 3:16 PM

Can you believe November is over already?! It seems like just yesterday everybody was shopping for their Halloween costumes and preparing for the cold fronts that the end of Fall will usually bring.

MarShall Islands

This past month, Brian Dunn, IEG's Managing Director and Mike Blais, IEG's Business Manager took a trip to the Marshall Islands to help out with some electrical issues that the local hospital was experiencing. In doing this, IEG covered the full amount of all the material and labor to be able to give the people of the Marshall Islands a stable working hospital that can rely on backup generators without having to worry about something going wrong. This was an amazing way for IEG to show their true didicationa nd love for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.


New Uniforms

IEG is going with a new look. The stiff-looking button ups were jsut not cutting it for the image that we wanted to portray. We wanted to reflect an instant feeling of satisfactiong, knowing that your building is in good hands, just by looking at us. No longer when you see our employees will someone ask "Who are these guys?" Instead, the look is presenting a professional reputation to all who see us, that make people think, 'Wow! These guys are doing an excellent job!'


Office Renovations

This past month, we have experienced a lot of changes from outside the building to inside our very office! Everytime somebody has walked into the office this month, the first thing they notice is the missing walls and ceiling in the lobby. Our parking lot has transformed from having gravel to a smooth layer of concrete. These changes are the first of many coming to this office!

What is the change going to look like you may ask, well that is a story for our next blog post! Make sure to opt in to receive our email newsletters so you can stay up to date with the latest changes that IEG is making. You are not going to want to miss IEG powering through the future with forward thinking!



Other Recent Posts

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All of the sudden, here we are-- 2 months gone in this new year already. February always seems to be such a fast month. One second we’re in the Christmas season, wake up one day and Easter decorations are all out on display. February can be a crazy month here at IEG. All sorts of different jobs starting, our project managers quoting jobs, etc. 2021 is well on it’s way and as we head into March, we
Thank God! We are past 2020. We all know this year was one for the books and as we look towards 2021, we are hopeful that we can get past all of this COVID stuff and get things back to normal. This year has brought a lot of changes to our everyday lives, and as we enter into 2021 we are still taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety and health of our team and those we come into contact with.



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